Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In Christ I stand

Here in the love of Christ, I stand
Here in the death of Christ, I live

For I am His, and He is mine

bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

this is the power of Christ, in me

From life's first cry, to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man

could ever pluck me from His hand

til He returns or calls me home


The Collier household is excited with Christmas.  The house is decorated, presents bought and Christmas parties begin soon.  There have been many changes.  Jacob is stable.  I took him out of school to home school him.  This took the added stress away of him being truant over and over again.   Next week I begin homeschooling a 5th grader at my house during the day.  I still have the after school tutoring job with another 5th grader.   Life is good.  I have a powerful support system and I'm thankful everyday for what God has given me.